Problem Solving - Think Like a Software Engineer
Ready, set, code!
Speaker, Boyd Thurston, Senior Software Engineer at Kroger, led this month’s lesson and explained how problem solving ties to coding. Coding consists of taking an idea and making it come to life by completing smaller tasks that build the big picture.
This weekend during our L.I.F.E. Prep session the students were tasks to build cardboard race cars. They were divided into two teams - red and blue. Within each team there were “thinkers” and “designers”. Thinkers were in charge of “building the engine” by solving complex riddles. Designers were in charge of “building the shell” of the car by completing silly tasks to obtain the supplies necessary to meet the car’s specifications. This taught the students how to take a project and break it down into smaller tasks, which sharpens a valuable problem solving skill - conquer one thing at a time.
This skill can apply to life’s hurdles as we are always trying to make it to the next checkpoint, whether it be going to college, starting a new job, buying a new home, or something else. Whatever path that one chooses to take can be broken down into smaller goals that ultimately help accomplish big dreams.
Thank you, Encore Bank of Fayetteville, AR for supporting us and providing a unique facility for our team to learn and grow in!